Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How To Use The Power Of LOVE [The Real Energy Force]

How To Use The

Real Powers Of Love


The Secret Knowledge About...

The Power Of Love

You Will Find Interesting Reading & Intriguing Information About Love & The Power That You Too Can Use To Make Your Life & Relationships Better - Today.

Easy To Learn Information

By Obtaining How To Use Love, You Receive...

  • Hope, Inspiration, & Enthusiasm Back Into Your Life!

  • Confidence In Your Abilities.

  • The Freedom To Use The Powers Of Love - Anytime, Anywhere, On Anyone Or Anything.

  • A New Understanding Of How Things Work That Expands Your Goals & Dreams.

  • Increased Energy & Awareness Beyond Belief.

  • The Practical Methods To Create Anything You Want!

  • Step by Step Instructions To Increase Your Discipline & Focus In Using The Powers Of Love.

Powerful Secrets About Love

For centuries certain information about Love and the amount of power it gives you has been kept secret and hidden. That's all about to change.

If you want to Create The Life You Have Dreamed About then read on.

In all honesty the last thing I wanted to do was become a writer, especially writing about Love. If it weren’t for the amount of Power & Ability that Love gave me to Create The Life I wanted… I wouldn't even consider it.

Using Love I have found that I can Virtually Instantly Create Everything I want.

Using Love I have gained so much Ability & Power To Create what I desire, that if it wasn't Love that I was using then it would almost be scary. My life has turned into a fairy tale and is beyond anything I have ever hoped possible for myself.

I know that this sounds like a big statement to make. But it's quite true. Even my sweetheart who was open minded but also skeptical had Little Choice But To Believe, because The Magic is an every day thing almost Beyond Words.

The amount of Personal Power that Love Gives You, not to control others but to Create Your Life and your experiences is Overwhelming.

The beautiful thing about it is that it also seems always to work out the best for everyone in the end. After all if it wasn't all that great then it wouldn't have been kept a secret.

Working & Creating With Love Is Very Easy, there is a little knack to it, but extremely Easy To Learn. The list of what you can do with Love or perhaps I could say Love energy can do, is endless. I could give you several hundred examples.

You'll find quite a few examples in this book Living on Love "The Messenger" . My favorite saying is Take What You Like & Leave The Rest For Someone That Might Love It.

The Choice Is Yours.

All our Love to you on your journey and choices,

Klaus J. Joehle

[from "Introduction" to "Living on Love - The Messenger" Book

Klaus Joehle Books

Sharing Secrets Of Love With The World

What can be more important than giving all people the Ability To Feel Love at all times? Would anyone continue to wage wars? The Earth would became one big garden with animals and plants serving enlightened humans.

Well, we can't force others to feel love -- but we can share with them Secret Knowledge Of How To Do It.

Would Anybody Refuse Receiving Mastery in Love?

Sharing Begins Here.

The Power Of Love Will Change Your Life

& Lives Of People Around You

We usually think of Love as an interior feeling that is produced by an exterior object. But is that the only possibility? What if things were the other way round? What if it was Love that produced the exterior object?

This is the approach adopted by Klaus Joehle: Love not as a passive feeling but as an Active Force that Produces Changes in the exterior world. And more important, a force that we can Learn To Control.

Written under the guise of a thriller, this book tells the story of how the author discovered The Power Of Love by chance, when he was trying nothing less than to travel into the future to find out the lottery results!

This is the same Power that remains asleep within your soul. You only need to Learn To Awaken it in order to Completely Change Your Life and the life of people around you. This book will teach how You Can Awaken That Power.

It has always been said that Love Is The Most Powerful Force In The Universe; it is time for you to find out that this saying is more literal than you realized...


Dear Klaus:
I am reading your book right now and thoroughly enjoying it. I Love your writing style. It is so honest and sincere. Your Love and deep respect for people clearly comes across in your writing. I like your sense of humor. Humor is important to me as is perspective.
D. D.

Hi Klaus,
I read your book I could not put it down until it was finished. I liked it very much and would give it five stars out of five. Thank you for taking the time out of your life to write it.
G. S.

Dear Klaus: I just had to tell you I recently read your book...I cried and laughed all the way through!!
My Love and blessings to you and yours,
Klaus, It is a pleasure that you and your experiences have entered my life. I just finished your book and am on the exercises at the end. What a life changing experience. THIS is the missing link. That abundance of Love, now I know that Thanks. This book is an absolute necessity to get out to people.

We All Create Our Realities

The Power Of Love Is The Fuel!

I just read your Book "Living on Love". I loved it. It rings very true for me.

My name is Brad. I am 28 and live in Sarasota, FL USA. I have recently read "The Messenger" and "The Shameful Secret" and have been blown away. I have just started working with Love and have many, many questions. I hope some can be answered. Well, I'd like to leave my love to the board and everyone that belongs to it. I'll be seeing you...


The Purpose of Life:

This System is for those who know The Universe Has A Purpose, that You Have A Purpose.

The purpose of life, is to Use & Give Love. Learning to Use Love comes from Using Your Thoughts & Emotions (your will) To Create The Reality You Desire To Come About.

By Learning To Guide & Focus Your Thoughts in this way, your inner development is Reflected In Your Outer Physical World. We all participate in creating our world.

The better our Abilities At Creating Reality & Using Love To Change Everything, the better we are able to Learn, Solve Problems, Create Abundance, Build Joyful Relationships, & Help Others.

Here Are Just Some Of The Things You Can Do With The Powers Of Love...
  • Send Love To Yourself

  • Send Love To Your Spouse

  • Send Love To Your Children

  • Send Love To Your Health

  • Send Love To Your Success

  • Send Love To Your Work

  • Send Love To Your Job

  • Send Love To Next Job Interview

  • Send Love To Your Business

  • Send Love To Your Products & Services

  • Send Love To Your Customers & Clients

  • Send Love To Your Pets

  • Send Love To Your Home

  • Send Love To Your Property

  • Send Love To Your Vehicles

  • Send Love To Your Bank Accounts

  • Send Love To The Land

  • Send Love To The Community

  • Send Love To Your Governments

  • Send Love To Your Dreams

  • Send Love To Your Writing

  • Send Love To Your Friends

  • Send Love To Your Meetings

  • Send Love To Nature

  • Send Love To The Planet

  • Send Love To Your Food

  • Send Love To Your Cooking

  • Send Love To An Aliment or Sick Friend

  • Send Love To___________________!

About "The Messenger": Love Is Everything. Always was...

If there ever was such thing as an 'holy' book. This is it. Nothing
special, just the plain and simple truth. Love is everything. Always was.
Always is. Thanks Klaus!

The Book "The Messenger" -- caught in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

People Will Want To Be Near You

Because The Energy Of Love Will Create

Waves Of It's Energy That Will Effect

Everything & Everyone Around You

People Seem To Flock To Me

Why do I feel so empty? This is the question I repeatedly asked myself prior to reading this book. "Living On Love" was sent to me through synchronicities. I'd attended 3 years of counseling and was repeatedly told to love myself - that was my whole problem. I read a mass amount of self help books and applied the techniques to my life, I *wanted* to love myself! I *wanted* this icky feeling inside me to go away! I *wanted* to be happy the majority of time! Yet, I still felt like something was missing.

I went through the motions. I took time out for myself. Allowed candlelit baths with soft music... treated myself to my favorite meal out once in a while... exercised... made sure my meals were nutritious... did all the things my counselor told me that people who love themselves do... yet still, this empty feeling that has haunted me all my life still haunted me.

I couldn't rid myself of it, although it would go away once in a while - it always came back. I could never understand *how* or *why* it went away... or how/why it always came back. You know the feeling I'm talking about... feeling like your life has no purpose... like something is missing... not really feeling fulfilled or overly happy although you go through the motions of doing things that *should* bring you happiness. And yes, sometimes... just crying yourself to sleep wondering how to get rid of this emptiness, if it will ever go away... or if this really is all there is to life.

Many nights I've cried myself to sleep... asking God or the Universe or this Indescribable Force that works in our lives to show me the way... to take away this emptiness. Yet to no avail. I'm 31 years old and finally, after having read this book and applying it to my life, I understand what it means to love myself as well as others. It's not the things you do. It's something much larger than that and a million times simpler. This haunting feeling? It hasn't returned since I've Applied The Content Of This Book to my life. I know it will never return.

People in my life have noticed a Significant Change in me. This DOES WORK! I have won hundreds of dollars by sending love. I have stopped physical pains of others by sending them love. Just 2 days ago, my brother was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. They thought he was having a stroke or heart attack. My mother was frantic, yet I was not, for I knew this would work. I concentrated and sent him love. He left the hospital alive and well with absolutely no problems. My 9 year old daughter had pains in her chest 2 weeks ago. I placed my hand on her chest and sent her love. Her pain immediately went away. She said "Thanks mom"... as if she knew I had done something to make it stop.. although I don't take credit for it - I Merely Utilized What Is Available To All Of Us, including her, if she knew how to use it.

Last week at work, my shoulders had been burning all day - it didn't occur to me until lunch time to send my shoulders love. As soon as I did, the pain stopped, the burn went away!! The only thing that has *ever* taken away that kind of burn has been a full body massage and even then, the burn always comes back in a couple of hours. The burn in my shoulders went completely away and didn't come back for 2 days, after I had encountered a new trigger of stress - guess what I did to make it go away again? You bet your bottom dollar, I sent my shoulders love. I'm telling you, THIS WORKS!!

I have a friend in Hawaii who was having a horrible day at work. I sent him love, I sent his co-workers love, and I filled their office with love. By the end of the day, he was in good spirits and the problems in his working environment had subsided!

When I see someone in a bad mood or emotionally upset, I send them love and I Notice A Change in them! I don't even tell them what I have done, I just do it for the love of humanity.

And you can test this! Send love to your office before you get there one a particular day and pay attention to the atmosphere. Then don't send it on another. YOU WILL SEE THE DIFFERENCE!! Send love to the people you care about and Notice Their Reaction to you. Send love to people you don't know but sense are having difficulties and some you will be around enough to see the effects... others.. you just move forward knowing that things are working out better for them because you've seen it work in your life and the lives of others around you that you've shared this with.

Furthermore? An unexpected "result" of applying these techniques to my life? Is that People Seem To Flock To Me Now. My circle of friendships is growing - not because I seek out others, but because they are Seeking Me Out. And the quality of people seeking me out are healthy, happy, joyful people! It's as if they sense this energy field surrounding me and want to be a part of that. And I don't fear that energy source being drained because I know it is limitless.

This book has several grammatical and spelling errors. It seems "low budget". Who cares? Perfection is an imperfection. It's not the spelling and grammar that matter. It's The Content. This book was written with divine guidance. There is no doubt in my mind. This book Literally Has Changed My Life. I'm not afraid anymore. It's an internal knowledge... it's that "Knowing". Read it. believe it. Feel it. IT WORKS!

Reviewer: sekmet0 from Wichita, KS USA

The Increased Using & Sending Love Will Change The World As We Know It

  • Millions of people are learning to Focus Their Energy & Thoughts using the Powers Of Love, and Change not only themselves, but the world.

"The Messenger": Book Will Touch Anyone's Heart

Klaus, book "Living On Love - The Messenger" will touch anyone's heart who, intuitively, knows Love Is The Answer to all of life's problems. It does not matter if you have money, health, relationship, or work related problems, This Book Explains Why Love Is The Answer. The best book written to date on the subject of love, Where To Find It & How To Use It.

The author's ability to write about the "Power Of Love" in clear, concise and practical terms is mind blowing. Klaus writes in a way that makes you feel you are right there with him as the events in the story unfold. In fact, I found myself not wanting the book to end. His book is refreshing, riveting and destined to become bestseller. It is a classic in its own right and will stand right along side such classic as Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Illusions and The Bridge Across Forever written by author Richard Bach." - Frederick Zappone, Author of Mastering The Moment

Warmest Regards,
Frederick Zappone

  • When You Order You Will Receive The 4-Part Videos About How To Use & Send Love. (The Bonuses Below Include The Book By Klaus Joehle, "Living On Love - The Messenger" Book 1 Of The Series Of 3 (in PDF (Adobe) format).

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It's A Great Yarn With Amazing Insights!

My husband and I facilitate a Manifesting Workshop at our Unity Church. As a consequence, we read a LOT of material, but we've never come across anything like Living on Love before. Five stars are not enough. It's a great yarn with amazing insights. We both read it in one sitting.

Everybody else can put their put their pencils down because Klaus Joehle says it ALL so simply and entertainingly that you can Start Practicing Living On Love As Soon As You Close The Book. No affirmations, no treasure-mapping, none of the usual think-yourself-rich trappings - Living On Love Just Cuts To The Chase, and Anyone Can Do It Right Away.

Klaus began experimenting with meditation to go into the future and retrieve winning numbers for the Canadian sports lottery. He was successful! But beyond that, he Discovered The Power Of Sending Love to his bills, food, his son, who was running with a bad crowd - I could go on and on because Klaus takes us along on his adventure as it unfolds. Some parts are hilarious.

After reading an online version of the book, one of our Manifesting Workshop members sent love to her family checking account over the holidays and, despite the seasonal glut of expenses, she unexpectedly had money left over to spare at the end of the month.

You think you've heard this all before, but trust me, you haven't. Not like this. Living On Love Goes Far Beyond Prosperity. My husband and I started sending love to one another, and we're honeymooners all over again. We were so excited, we started corresponding with Klaus, and he sent us this story:

"I'll give you an example. We just had a big storm here. Hundreds of big trees where blown over in a straight line 200 feet wide. We live in the center of this strip that was destroyed, but if you stand in our yard you see nothing of it until you step off my boundary. You would need to see it to fully understand, it's very bizarre. We slept through it. In the morning I saw the last part of the storm from our yard, but it was as if we were in a bubble."

Living On Love is as plain as the nose on your face, but most of us just never see it. Sometimes it takes genius to point out the obvious. Love Is Within Us, it's Powerful, Unlimited, and Freely Available to us all the time. All we have to do is tap into it and direct it wherever we want. What could be easier than that?

Do yourself a favor and check out Klaus Joehle's website to learn even more. And buy this book! You'll be telling everybody you know, too. It deserves to become a bestseller.

Reviewer: Kathleen Ferguson from Fresno, CA USA

You're Going To Be Great At This - It's Natural

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I've read your book today and I am so moved. I missed the directions to Danny about how to send Love, but I'm not to the end yet. Wow! Anyway, I am so moved.

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With Love,

Derek Clark

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Not what it sounds like


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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How To Use & Send Love - Powers Of Love

How To Use & Send Love - Powers Of Love

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Living on Love

"A Weekend With 'a' Drunken Leprechaun"


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"Money Is Love"

Not what it sounds like


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Essence of Reality
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Transform By Shifting Your Beliefs

YOUR LIFE is being written every moment by your thoughts, your emotions, your words and your choices. The events that are unfolding in your life are a direct reflection of those choices, whether consciously defined or unconsciously allowed.

What is the nature and root of our beliefs? How and where do they form? What is the impact they have on us, on other people and on our lives? Here we will take a closer look at limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are holding you back and keeping you stuck and how you can overcome them and transform.

Yesterday I met a woman named ‘Rosa‘, who actually, inspired me to write this article. She told me that in her entire life she never felt that she belonged anywhere. She believed that she was old, ugly, unattractive, unworthy and saw herself as a failure. These were some of the limiting core beliefs that she held about herself. They were so deep-seated in her and ‘controlled’ her life. Often she did not feel any desire to leave her house and go out and so she was experiencing a profound isolation from other people, life and her true self. There were so many things she wanted to do in her life such as travelling around the world but she kept holding back because her core belief about herself was ‘failure‘.

It touched me so deeply, because I could see and feel the self-hatred and the pain it inflicted on her and how it restrained her.

I kept asking her questions and inquire into the root of her core beliefs to make her ‘see’ for herself where they once started and how deep-seated they were in her and, more importantly, so that she could realize that many of her beliefs were self-made - not necessarily true - and that she is the only one who can cut through them.

She was the one who kept validating her own core beliefs and kept feeding them by accepting them as true. She was creating a self fulfilling prophecy to support the limiting belief that she had about herself. The labels she gave herself kept her from living openly, fully and joyfully.

This is one example on the power of beliefs and what a profound impact one’s beliefs can have on oneself and one’s life.

'What you believe, you become.’

Now, your PRIMARY relationship is to yourself - not from a selfish point of view. Because if you do not have a healthy relationship to yourself - you cannot establish or thrive in any healthy relationships to other people, your community or to the world.

‘‘Thought shapes lives.’

Your mindset is the sum total of your beliefs, values, identity, expectations, attitudes, habits, decisions, opinions and thought patterns about yourself, others and life. It determines your behaviour, outlook and mental attitude. It is the filter through which you interpret what you see and experience. Your mindset shapes your life and draws to you results that are an exact reflection of it.

A belief is a thought that a person holds to be true about something. Beliefs are solid ideas stored in your subconscious mind whether they are true or not. Your subconscious mind power is like a magnet. When you have a certain belief in your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will vibrate based on this belief and attract events and people that resonate with or correspond to this belief. Each belief is accompanied by an emotion.

Beliefs form in a variety of ways:

• We tend to internalize the beliefs of the people around us during childhood.

• People may adopt the beliefs of a charismatic leader, even if those beliefs fly in the face of all previous beliefs, and produce actions that are clearly not in their own self-interest.

• The primary thrust of the advertising industry is that repetition forms beliefs, as do associations of
beliefs with images of sex, love, and other strong positive emotions.

• Physical trauma, especially to the head, can radically alter a person's beliefs.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Beliefs are key components of our personalities and senses of identity, and our expressions of beliefs often define us to others. Many of our reactions to others are based on our beliefs and our perceptions of them.

Limiting beliefs include:
• Fear of our greatness
• Fear of not being (good) enough
• Fear of not being loved
• Fear of rejection
• Fear of failure
• Fear of success

Limiting beliefs often involve, ‘I can’t….. ‘Any time you believe you cannot be or do something you are eliminating it as a possibility.

Having set out any limiting beliefs, we limit our existence within the scope of these beliefs. Moreover, we are constantly on the lookout for evidences to support these beliefs.

Like energy attracts like energy. You attract to yourself those things and circumstances and people that are in vibrational harmony with your dominant, mental attitude, habitual thoughts and beliefs.

The attractive power of any particular thought is determined by how often you have that thought and by the strength of the feelings or emotions associated with it. The more energy you give to a particular thought, the greater its power to attract its corresponding circumstance into your physical world.

Thoughts have energy. Like physical energy, which has a positive or negative charge, so does the energy created by your thoughts. Each time you entertain a specific thought you emit a very specific, corresponding frequency or energy vibration. Negative thoughts create negative events. Positive thoughts create positive events. The energy of thought is either stored in physical structures or is transmitted into the universe, it never dies.

Every thought interacts with the energy of the universe. Negative thought looks for other negatives thought energies to bind with. Eventually a matrix of negative thought energy is created and forms a thought wave. These powerful negative thought waves manifest themselves in our lives.

Positive thought energy also seeks out other positive energies. If you are a source of positive thought energy, positive and beneficial energy will return to you in many wonderful and unexpected ways.

Again everything that happens in your life has a direct connection with the type of energy that you are charging the universe with. You alone are responsible for the type of energy created by your life.

Becoming aware of the power of your own thoughts is the most important step.

Being aware is the key. Once we are aware of the negative thought energy in our lives we can take measures to eliminate it. The critical first step however is simply being aware of the existence and effects of these energies.

Let us take this into a greater context.

Quantum Physics has shown that there is a field of energy, a measurable web, that permeates everything that is intelligent and that responds to human energy. This field of energy has been called the ‘Mind of God’ by some Scientists, and is more commonly known as the 'Quantum Hologram'.

All creation is connected through this field of energy - the Quantum Hologram.

Human thoughts, feelings and emotions are vibrations that create patterns in the Quantum Hologram. For example, positive emotions have a higher vibration. Negative emotions have a lower vibration.

Some of the earlier studies on the Quantum Hologram focused on the way our DNA sets patterns in the field of energy. It’s been shown in studies that feelings of compassion, gratitude, understanding, appreciation, and love actually relax the strands of DNA in our bodies. Prolonged exposure to these positive emotions actually allows the DNA strands to unwind, which allows the individual access to all the genetic options or possibilities for health and life.

On the other hand, anger and frustration tighten DNA coils, shutting down the body’s ability to respond and heal. Emotions, then, change the shape of your DNA and change the electromagnetic field of the Quantum Hologram, which is the fabric of our creation. These effects change our physical world.

The heart and brain are constantly communicating, and the heart is more than just a physical pump for blood. The heart has an energy field of it’s own that extends 5-8 feet from the body. This field of energy reflects what we “become” in our hearts as our choices produce feelings and emotions that produce effects in our physical world.

The Quantum Hologram is responding to your thoughts and feelings and changing the physical world around you each and every moment.

‘Behind every action is a thought and behind every thought is a belief.’

When you form a belief, no matter what it is, it takes a life on its own. Often it becomes unconscious - outside your awareness - and they guide your actions or inactions without your even realizing it.

You absorb and hold beliefs in your own energy field believing they belong to you. You keep feeding them by acting accordingly to your beliefs. When you are within the paradigm of a limiting belief it appears completely true - so you continue to believe in it. The limiting beliefs are like weed in your garden, which have to be eliminated.

Often you are your own greatest obstacle. That is, your biggest obstacles are your own self-limiting beliefs.

Because it is a belief, you unconsciously find ways to reinforce it. You distort or generalize your experiences or ignore evidence that would challenge that belief. Often it happens without your even realizing you are doing it.

By becoming aware and conscious you illuminate those limiting beliefs that do not serve you. Your awareness becomes a beam of light. By making an inventory you can break through the layers of denial, ego, image projections and false beliefs.

'Only with self-awareness can we see where our steps are taking us.’

Having self-awareness allow you to see where your thoughts and emotions are taking you. It also allows you to see the controls of your emotions, behaviours and personality so you can make the changes you want. Until you are aware in the moment of the controls to your thoughts, emotions, words and behaviour, you will have difficulty making changes in the directions of your life.

So can we change our thoughts? Just the very act of monitoring our thoughts can bring an awareness that starts to change us.

Most powerful of all is to go straight to the source - what do I believe that is causing me to think, feel and act this way? What concepts have I built around this topic? This can be hard to uncover as most of it tends to be subconscious and is often from long ago. Monitoring your thoughts can give you clues to the belief system as can examining your emotions.

A new perspective allows you to have that epiphany of awareness that changes the way you see things outside the belief paradigm. Shift in point of view is the most critical.


Identify your beliefs and your agreement to those beliefs and examine them.

Having identified the limiting beliefs you should challenge them whenever they appear to you. You can do it by questioning them such as ‘is it really true that…..’

Tip: Journaling your internal dialogue
• Write the thoughts that come to your mind. Go back a couple of days later and read what your wrote. The delay process provides a shift in perspective that allow you to see your thoughts from a different point of view. The shift in perspective can break the hypnotic effect that the belief has in appearing true.

• Observe the words that come out of your mouth - the can give you clues that can help you to identify beliefs.

• Hunting emotions
By identifying the emotion it is easier to see the specific belief behind the situation and the beliefs and assumptions in the mind.

There are NLP, visualization techniques, affirmations, meditation and other techniques that can help one to overcome limiting beliefs which I will not go into detail here.

Self-awareness is developed through practices in focusing your attention on your own thought processes and behaviour. It is not learned from reading a book. When you read a book you are focusing your attention on the conceptual ideas in the book. With your attention in a book you are PRACTICING not PAYING ATTENTION to your own thoughts, emotions and behaviour.

Smash through the boundaries of what you believe is possible and break loose from your own limiting beliefs. ‘You are what you believe you are and you can do what you believe you can do.

‘What you believe, you become. What you focus on is what you attract, or create, in your life.

It is essential that we not only recognize but take responsibility for the power of what we think, say and do in creating life around us.

‘"Reality is what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is what we believe.
What we believe is based upon our perceptions.
What we perceive depends upon what we look for.
What we look for depends upon what we think.
What we think depends upon what we perceive.
What we perceive determines what we believe.
What we believe determines what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is our reality."

- Gary Zukav

I could go on and on and on and write about how belief systems determine economic, political and social structure and how shifting our beliefs affects mass consciousness.

But for now; keep in mind it’s about CHOICE - that whatever you CHOOSE to believe in any given moment - is SHAPING your life and CREATING your reality.

Sending with Love, Light & Blessings
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(¯`•´¯) Gratitude
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Scared Relationships: A New Paradigm Unfolding

SACRED RELATIONSHIPS: A New Paradigm Unfolding

Years ago a couple who was celebrating their 50th anniversary shared their formula for success: "Relationships are ninety-ninety," Grandma Anderson said. To this day I still have no idea what that means, and at the time I couldn't help but notice that Grandma and Grandpa Anderson didn't really seem happy together. She did all of the talking and he sat silently at her side — until she left the room. Then he could speak freely without her interjecting or scolding him. When I looked at them I didn't see two people who were happy to be sharing their hearts and truths with each other. I saw two people who were living in the same house without physically harming each other.

sacredrelationships_lrgI've come to realize that there aren't many examples of sacred relationships on the planet — relationships where both partners genuinely love themselves and each other; relationships where both partners enjoy themselves, each other, and life together. Sacred relationships do exist, but they are so uncommon that the majority of us have yet to witness a true sacred relationship, let alone experience one. What is a sacred relationship? Why are we so challenged with finding our 'soul mate', our 'twin flame', or our 'true love'? Perhaps the answer lies in our perception of what true love is and what it means to be in a sacred relationship.

The search for love often begins when a person realizes that he or she feels incomplete. Many people seek relationships to try to find love — to find their 'soul mate' or 'other half'. In other words, many seek to complete themselves through searching for love outside of themselves; love given to them by another person. Of course the missing piece that makes us whole is the discovery of our own infinite source of internal love, but we generally don't realize this at first.

This search for love offers an opportunity to discover one of humanity's great spiritual truths: our most fulfilling and sacred relationship is the one we share with ourselves. Our first sacred relationship is with self and self-love is the basis for all sacred relationships.

Does this make relationships with others a misguided distraction from developing an infinite love of self? Not at all. Relationships offer unlimited opportunities for self-growth, self-mastery, and self-love. When we enter a relationship we're forging a spiritual contract with our partner saying, "I'll be a mirror for you so you can see your divine reflection — all the attributes, light and shadow, that reveal who you are and who you are becoming — if you'll do the same for me."

This spiritual contract allows relationships to act as catalysts for our spiritual growth and evolution. When another person acts as our mirror and reflects all of our attributes back to us so we can see ourselves more clearly, we enter the fast-track to finding true love in relationships — discovering our infinite potential to completely love ourselves. From this place of self-love we have a greater capacity to extend and share our love with others. The love shared in a sacred relationship is a gift reflecting the infinite self-love within each person.

The view of relationships as a catalyst also reveals why many relationships seem to become more difficult over time. As partners act as mirrors for each other, they reveal aspects of each others' self that were previously hidden from them. The "shadows" of each partner are gradually revealed. Here's a classic example of how hidden aspects emerge through the process of mirroring:

Partner 1: "Why do you (fill in the blank — become defensive, argue, close off, deny responsibility, etc.) when we discuss this subject?"

Partner 2: "I don't do that!"

At this point, a number of paths can be explored — from arguing to exploring the issue further and finding a piece of self that was previously hidden. Regardless of the outcome, an aspect of one or both partners has been revealed that they have yet to discover about themselves. Here is an opportunity for both partners to explore self and grow in their awareness and self-love through the reflection they see in each other.

Often, spiritual contracts and mirroring in relationships occur on an unconscious level. Perhaps this explains why we find relationships so challenging. Not only do we look for love from our partner that we can only find within ourselves, but we also attempt to change aspects of our partners that we are unwilling to address in ourselves because we are unwilling to admit they may exist in us. Many of us find it much easier to blame our partner for any challenges or discomfort in the relationship than to look within ourselves and accept responsibility for the disharmony we may be creating.

The mirroring of our light and shadow attributes continues until there is no duality or polarity within us; until we are truly heart-centered in all ways and at all times. This is the ultimate potential of a sacred relationship.

Imagine the potential for personal growth, awareness, and self-love that exists when we enter into the spiritual contracts of relationships on a conscious level! Imagine the amount of growth and mastery both partners can achieve when they are aware of the process of mirroring and when they accept their roles as mirrors with love and grace. Imagine the power of a conscious catalyst for growth, mastery, and self-love. This is a sacred relationship; a relationship where two sovereign divine beings choose to walk along side each other, sharing and reflecting their unique beauty, without judgment or expectation.

We can enter into all relationships fully conscious and aware that they are catalysts for us to rediscover who we are. We can enter into relationships knowing that our partner does not complete us by giving us the love we think we're missing, but that our partner acts as a catalyst to help us find the love that already exists within us. And we do the same for our partner! We can even transform relationships we're currently in by agreeing to consciously acknowledge their true function of propelling our spiritual growth and self-love.

Sacred relationships create no need and no dependency. Both partners simultaneously grow into higher and higher states of self-love. In a sacred relationship, partners grow along side each other while mirroring and reflecting each other's divine qualities.

This is our potential now — today. On Earth we are creating a new paradigm of sacred relationships. Every relationship in our world may not be a sacred one, yet all relationships have the potential to evolve and grow into sacred ones. Imagine a world where all relationships are sacred relationships — from our most intimate partner, to friends, family, acquaintances, and even strangers!
more info @ http://www.newearthvision.com/ , http://www.spiritofmaat.com

Arttemis and Krystalle Keszainn are sacred partners, master healers, spiritual stewards, and ambassadors of the New Earth. They share a sacred relationship with each other and with Earth. As sacred partners they write, teach, travel, play, and practice the healing arts together. As master healers they create space in which others feel comfortable enough to heal and transform themselves. As spiritual stewards they embrace the responsibility for the survival and well being of Earth, and honor the intimate connection between Earth and humanity. As ambassadors of the New Earth, they aspire to reintroduce and foster the lines of communication between humanity and Earth so we may live in balance and harmony together. Their love for themselves, each other, Gaia, and humanity directs their passion in creating a New Earth.

Arttemis and Krystalle are currently traveling the country sharing their hearts and sacred space with those they meet along the way. You can read more of their articles and impressions of their journey on www.Urth.tv, a social network for people who value higher consciousness, vibrant living, and a sustainable planet. To find out how you can participate in their sacred journey, contact them at newearthvision@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



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Living on Love
"The Shameful Secret"


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'a' Drunken Leprechaun"


Living on Love
"Money Is Love"
Not what it sounds like


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New Years Special

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Essence of Expression

The Essence of Expression

The Essence of Expression

by Linda Gadbois, Ph.D. @ creativetransfo....rmations.com

..Expression,like various forms of creativity can be used positively- to uplift,instruct, inspire, bring beauty into the world- or negatively - tobelittle, demoralize, tear down and even destroy. Expression takes manyforms whether it's the spoken language, body language, a sermon, actingout in a state of emotional drama, any time an individual is active, ordoing something, they are "expressing" themselves.

Humansexpress themselves every moment, through every feeling, thought, word,or the attitude they walk through life with . . . with the metaphorsthey use, what they reference as examples, the story they tell aboutthings, about themselves . . every form of "action" is creative.Bringing an internal state into an external reality of some sort. Allwe are capable of doing is projecting our "self" onto our enironment.Every thought, meaning, and perception is experience "through us" asus. Our models serve as filters used to perceive the world as somethingunique and special.

This day and age, the "age of communication"we have lost the art of "performing ideas" - transmitting informationby developing skill at expressing it. Yet, it is the emotional qualityof the information that provokes action, that motivates us to dosomething, to act based on the "feeling quality" of the information wehave been given. This is the true art of "inspiring" people. To inspireis to take a standard goal or desired outcome, and perform it in a waythat engages people emotionally in personally identifying with the goalin a way that compels them towards it, creating a desire in them to"do" something to make it come true.

To act in a fashion thatsupports and creates a physical reality motivated by the "feelingquality" of the idea as it was communicated. We all seek to be apart ofsomething that is greater than ourselves. The greater the emotionalquality of the expression, the more clearly we relate to being apart ofwhat's being expressed. If, by relating to it, I feel . . ."courageous, powerful, able to serve, compassionate, caring, sexy,valuable" etc. - whatever the feeling, if it feels good, it willattract people who have that "desire" inside of them that is beingprovoked into reality by the emotional quality of my communication-which creates a path for expression. All great artist, communicatorsand leaders understand this.

To be a great artist, a greatleader, you must stir people's desire, touch them inside with emotionsthat compel them into action. Not because they should or it's the rightthing to do . . . but because they must! Creating and transferringemotion, creates a powerful desire to do something as a result of yourperformance. By activating the right "state of mind" you can not onlyinfluence people towards a common goal, but bring out peoplesmagnificence in the process. When people feel moved by something,usually the best part of them, the part that is passionate comes forthand becomes more apparent.

This passionate "presence" is whatperforms the action. When people act out of passion, they own andharness their personal power to self actualize. When you have theability to trigger this response in people intentionally you literallybring out the genius in common people, at will. What you see in them,they see in themselves. What we reflect we are projecting. When webecome invested in the fun of exercising our power to bring out thebest in other people, we simultaneously experience the best inourselves. To empower others, is to experience yourself as powerful. Inorder to express it, you have to have it.

To bring beauty intothe world by expressing it, is to become a conduit for attracting it, achannel through which beauty can flow. Focusing your mind on drawingbeauty to you, filling yourself up with it to the point of explodinginto existence - you become the living, breathing expression of beauty.Your cup runneth over. It becomes your experience, your common everyday reality! You are, by virtue of your nature . . . beautiful.



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