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[4/3] "Digestible bites of sound commentary" ... "The main purpose of the site is to help equip serious Bible students with skills of discernment rather than indoctrinating them with a particular theological viewpoint."
- Christian Freedom International "The mission of Christian Freedom International is to help Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. We are a nondenominational human rights organization providing aid, advocacy, and Bibles to persecuted Christians in areas of intense persecution."
- Dentasaurus A cool way to get kids ready for their first dentist visit.
- Fed Up With FedEx by Mary Starrett. Another good reason to avoid FedEx.
- "Where reality shatters illusion."
- September Eleventh Families For Peaceful Tomorrows
- Information Clearing House "An alternative independent non-commercial source for news, information and insight... An effort to provide more depth and understanding to current issues."
- The Narrow Path Steve Gregg's homepage. Radio show, downloadable audio files of Bible teachings, discussion forum, articles, tape catalog, etc. A great resource for both Christians and seekers.
- The Bush Hitler Thing A holocaust survivor makes some interesting observations.
- Seat Belt Choice Coalition "...the only website totally committed to relegating seat belt laws to the ash heap of history..."
- The story of Brian and Ruth Christine, whose children were stolen by Oregon Services to Children and Families. They're now in prison for trying to take them back. A must read if you think it couldn't happen to you or someone you know.
- Oregon Family Rights This site posts the monthly newsletter Brian & Ruth write from prison.
- The Christine Family Story
- How do an Eagle Scout and a Missionary who worked under Mother Theresa end up facing federal kidnapping charges?
- Brian and Ruth Christine
- Persecution Project Foundation "The Persecution Project Foundation was founded for the express purpose of collecting and disseminating information about the worldwide incidence of Christian persecution, with particular focus on Africa. From its inception, Persecution Project Foundation has endeavored to equip and mobilize the grassroots to take action in support of the persecuted church."
- The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, a book by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. The story of the current state of American public education.
- AVG AntiVirus Free anti-virus software that we're told is pretty good.
- Hover Club of America The largest hovercraft club in the US.
- Irish Holocaust The documented truth of the British genocide of Ireland during the "Potato Famine" of the 1840's.
- The Heimlich Maneuver for Drowning & Asthma, direct from the Heimlich Institute. Of course everyone knows it's also used for choking.
- Sea and Sky A very cool site with lots of interesting stuff about, of all things, the sea and the sky.
- Bird House and Bat House build-it-yourself projects, on EPA's website of all places.
- Henriette's Herbal Homepage Home of the Culinary and Medicinal Herb FAQs
- Indianapolis Baptist Temple Get the other side of the story, that you didn't hear in the media.
- Kjos Ministries Berit Kjos' website. A Christian perspective on current events, political and social.
- The Bible Gateway Online Bible with word search. Lots of different versions & languages.
- Gasoline / Kerosene Pressure Lamps & Lanterns Shinzo Kono's lamp & lantern collecting website, mostly about Colemans. Lots of photos & info.
- KeroLite Lots of good stuff for Coleman lantern collectors
- Hearts at Home "..a non-denominational, Christ-centered, professional organization for mothers at home or those who want to be. We desire to exalt God while educating and encouraging women in their personal and family lives."
- Another side of current events. See their "Who We Are" page first.
- Infinite Energy Magazine "Cold Fusion and New Energy Technology, Including Conventional and Renewable Energy"
- "World's Largest Health Homesteading website." "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. This especially includes your health care."
- Fluoride Action Network "An International Coalition to End Water Fluoridation and Alert People to Fluoride's Health and Environmental Risks"
- What Really Happened "The history the government hopes you DON'T learn!" We don't know if everything this guy says is true, but we know a lot of it is, and he raises valid points worthy of serious consideration.
- Soundwaves 2000 Several interesting radio shows that you can listen to online.
- The Derry Brownfield Show " of the most popular radio talk show hosts in the country because he relates to rural Americans." You can listen online if you can't get him on the radio.
- The Law Research & Registry Website of Dan Meador and Freedom Hall Research Foundation, income tax researchers.
- Scythe Supply "..offers European style scythes, scythe blades, snaths, whetstones, hammers, anvils and equipment. We are scythe enthusiasts and want others to discover this wonderful tool."
- From Revolution to Reconstruction "A Hypertext on American History from the colonial period until Modern Times." Department of Humanities Computing, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Lots of interesting stuff here. A couple highlights:
- Benjamin Franklin: His Autobiography 1706-1757 Should be required reading for all students, in this writer's humble opinion.
- Geronimo: His own story
- Maurice's Gourmet Barbecue Sauce
- The Home Education Radio Network "..promotes homeschooling through daily radio broadcasts, books and articles, and speaking engagements at homeschooling events." Home of Vicki Brady's "Just A Mom" and "Homeschooling USA" radio broadcasts.
- Old Time Farm Shepherds
- American Working Farmcollie Association
- Friends In Action International "Our Goal is to accelerate the work of proclaiming the Gospel to isolated people groups around the world that have not had the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ."
- The Masonry Heater Association "Masonry heaters store heat. Energy from a short hot fire is stored in the thermal mass and can provide heat all day long. It is by far the cleanest way to burn cordwood."
- 24-7 Prayer "Non-stop prayer across the nations for a generation lost in space."
- True Light Metalworks A friend of ours who makes fantastic sculptures, architectural art, lighting, etc.
- Car Talk's Mechan-X-Files "The Ultimate Guide to Finding A Great Mechanic." Search the database & read comments about mechanics near you.
- Homeschooling - Christian Unschooling - Natural Learning " of the most comprehensive homeschooling and unschooling sites on the Web."
- Do You Really Need a Social Security Number? "No. According to the written law, there is never a need in American society for a person to obtain, have, or use a Social Security number, unless he or she is seeking Social Security benefits from the Social Security Administration, or is seeking some other, government-related, handout." See also this page's parent site, The Founding Spirit.
- American Livestock Breeds Conservancy "..working to protect nearly 100 breeds of cattle, goats, horses, asses, sheep, swine and poultry from extinction."
- Buckshot's Camp Trapping supplies & information
- Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy Financial incentives, regulatory policy, etc. for alternative power systems, organized by state.
- The Christian Alert Network "..primary purpose .. is to inform individual Christian citizens on specific situations that adversely impact upon our basic Christian doctrine, religious freedom and traditional families and to encourage them to participate in the governmental process, in obedience to the Holy Scriptures and according to the intent of our Founding Fathers."
- Mike Pelly's biodiesel recipe Outstandingly detailed recipe & instructions for making biodiesel from waste vegetable oil.
- Ferrocement News & Group "..dedicated to the detailed collection, dissemination, and discussion of ferrocement technology for building construction."
- World Missions Help support a Christian orphanage in Mexico.
- "..helping lawful people maintain their abilities to protect themselves and the people they love effectively from anyone who would do them harm - through legal, private ownership and use of guns. We also stand for the repealing of all gun laws which infringe on the civil rights of peaceable women and men to defend their own lives and property."
- Audio Bible Listen online to the Bible using RealAudio. They also sell it on CD. Narrated by Alexander Scourby.
- Newswatch Magazine "Making clear today's news in the Light of Bible Prophecy". Their theology is questionable to say the least, but they cover some very interesting news. You can listen to their radio program over the Internet.
- Fur Takers of America "A National Organization of and for Trappers"
- Silver Solutions Lots of info on colloidal silver
- Legal self-help website
- Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association If you're Canadian, check this out.
- The International Coalition for Drug Awareness "...a private, non-profit group of physicians, researchers, journalists and concerned citizens. Our primary focus is to address the world's most pervasive and subtle drug problem - prescription drugs."
- Citizens for a Fair Vote Count "...the nation's foremost and oldest organization attempting to restore fair and honest elections to the United States of America."
- Fatal Blindness: America's Decades of Declining Freedom and The Rise of its Dictators "An important, forthcoming book. An impassioned defense of your right to life and liberty. A warning no American can afford to ignore."
- Christian Stuff:
- Ken Raggio's Prophecy Newsletter Lots of good writings on endtimes prophecy & events, etc.
- Brother's Keeper "The Christian church in the twentieth century has seen more martyrdoms for the Christian faith and persecution of believers than in the previous nineteen centuries of its existence. Persecution is a fact of daily life for believers in Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, China, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and many other places around the world."
- Jerusalem Christian Review "Jerusalem's Leading Christian Newspaper", "New Discoveries of the Bible, Jesus and the First Church". Some very interesting archaeological stuff.
- Berean School of the Bible, successor to Steve Gregg's Great Commission School
- Open Doors International This is Brother Andrew's organization.
The Voice of the Martyrs "An in-depth look at today's persecuted church around the world."
- Christian Chat Network A Christian IRC chat server
- Food Storage:
- Preserving Food Safely A huge text database of food preservation info from Michigan State University Extension
- Drying Foods A good how-to, including specifics for many foods
- Foods, Nutrition and Health info from North Dakota State University Extension Service. Preparing wild game; canning & preserving various foods; more.
- Rec.Food.Preserving FAQ Culinary herbFAQ can also be found here.
- The Meat Smoking and Curing FAQ
- Utah State University Extension Food & Nutrition Publications Lots of info about growing, preserving, storing & using food, including home canning & drying
- Solar food dryers:
- Homemade solar food dryer from Home Power Magazine; also see the GIF image that goes with this article.
- Solar Chimney Dehydrator Plans and instructions for solar food dryer
- Disaster & Emergency Preparedness (OK, we'll say the S-word: Survivalism):
- J.R. Whipple's Self Reliance Pages Some good self reliance info, including electricity & fuel
- Preparedness Nuggets Pages "A Cyberbook of Practical Wisdom for Daily Living"
- Ken Seger's page Good basic info, including food storage, water, and nuclear survival.
- Preparedness & survivalism from a woman's perspective
- Rocky Mountain Survival Group "...a central database of practical, accurate, reliable and interesting news, articles and product information from all sources regarding self-reliance & survival."
- The Solar Puddle Purify large amounts of drinking water by pasteurization using solar energy.
- Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Resources page by Ken Larson and Rhema Publishing.
- Equipped to Survive "Comprehensive information to help you determine the equipment and skills needed to prepare for and survive a man-made or natural emergency or disaster."
- Cooking:
- El Paso Solar Energy Association Info & plans for solar cooking, food drying, and hot water, among other things
- The Solar Cooking Archive Info & plans
- The Kitchen Link "a comprehensive, organized listing of recipes and food-related information available on the Net."
- Once a Month Cooking Save a lot of time & money by buying & cooking in bulk.
- Homeschooling & Education:
- Christian Homeschool Fellowship Resources for homeschoolers
- Home Sweet Home-School Resource links, articles & info
- Home Learning Center sells homeschooling curricula
- Trivium Pursuit Homepage "Applying Classical Christian Education to Homeschooling"
- The Separation of School & State Alliance "I don't want my children fed or clothed by the state, but I would prefer that to their being educated by the state." - Max Victor Belz, grain dealer, Grundy County, Iowa
- Queen Homeschool Supplies "Specializing in materials created FOR homeschoolers BY homeschoolers!"
- Home School Legal Defense Association "a non-profit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms."
- Jon's Homeschool Resource Page
- Heather's Homeschooling Page
- Old Stuff:
- Collecting Aladdin Kerosene Lamps A very useful site for collectors. Lots good tips for beginners.
- Antique Tractor Resource Page
- The Barn Journal "Dedicated to the appreciation and preservation of traditional farm architecture."
- Yesterday's Tractors Parts, manuals, online magazine, etc. for older (pre-1975) and antique tractors.
- Gardening, Farming, Rural Living, & How-To Info:
- Traditional Soap Making ...originally prepared and printed as a booklet, at the request of Christians in Burma, to help in situations where normal supplies of soap are not readily available...
- Cleaning rusty tools with electrolysis
- Honey Bees and Beekeeping A beginner's guide from the University of Georgia
- Soapmaking page by Elaine White
- Servants In Faith And Technology "..a Christian non-profit agency involved in training and education appropriate for human needs." Technology for third world living.
- Cisterns To Collect Non-Potable Water For Domestic Use by the University of Florida.
- Home Worm Production How to dispose of kitchen waste and make rich compost for your garden.
- The Compost Resource Page Make your own garden fertilizer. Lots of info & links.
- Lindsay Publications "Unusual technical books revealing skills and processes almost forgotten. Foundry, machine shop, plastic molding, chemistry, survival, alternate energy, appliance repair, steam power, and much more."
- Maple Lawn Farm The home of Ronald Florence's Lambing FAQ, Haying FAQ, Pasture FAQ, and Predator FAQ.
- New England Cheesmaking Supply Resources for cheesemaking, and home dairying supplies
- GardenGuides "...a growing resource for gardeners." Has a great section on medicinal herbs.
- Yonder Way Experience the Information Dirt Road
- The Small Farm Resource Lots of good small farm & rural info.
- Everything you ever wanted to know about doing it yourself.
- The Country Life and Simplicity Village Lots of good info on country living, including bread baking tips & tricks.
- InterGarden Downloadable Information Lots of downloadable info on rural skills, alternative healthcare, renewable energy, and lots more.
- Wilderness Ways & Indian Lore:
- Trapping Tips and Tales by Buckshot "Tips, Tactics and Techniques for Trappers, plus tales and plain old good advice for anyone who ever thought about trapping for survival, sustenance or money."
- Homemade Backpack Stove Illustrated instructions to make a very simple, inexpensive alcohol stove.
- NativeTech An educational web site that covers topics of Native American technology, emphasizing the Eastern Woodlands region. Some good leather tanning info.
- Livestock Guardian Dogs:
- Working Dogs "The International Cyberzine for Working Dogs And the People Who Work, Train, Breed, and Love Them."
- Flock & Family Guardian Network "Comprehensive Livestock Guardian Dog Resource."
- Livestock Guardian Dogs Everything you ever wanted to know about LGDs, brought to you by the LGD-L mailing list.
- Magazines:
- Small Farm Today "..the original how-to magazine of alternative and traditional crops, livestock, and direct marketing."
- Countryside & Small Stock Journal "..serving that branch of the Voluntary Simplicity movement seeking greater self-reliance .. with emphasis on home food production."
- Patriarch Magazine "Equipping men to be godly leaders in family, church & society."
- Backwoods Home Magazine "If you want a more self-sufficient lifestyle for yourself and your family, Backwoods Home Magazine can help you achieve it."
- Home Power "The hands-on journal of homemade power."
- Wilderness Way Magazine "..for those who want to know how to live close to the land."
- Backwoodsman Magazine Muzzleloading, ancient weapons, primitive Indian archery, old time leather projects, historical how-to, woodslore, black powder cartridge guns, Indian lore.
- Wood Heat:
- Chimney Safety Institute of America Just about anything you ever wanted to know about your chimney, your fireplace, even your gas furnace flue.
- HearthNet Lots of good info on wood heat.
- Alternative Energy:
- Generating Methane Gas From Manure Build your own biogas digester
- Northwest Energy Storage Alternative energy products & appliances
- Building your own generator on the cheap
- How to Stay Cool in the Hot Desert, reprinted from Home Power Magazine.
- Bowjon International Wind-powered water lift pumps
- Bay Winds sells Jacobs wind turbines.
- Bergey Windpower manufactures small wind turbines for power generation.
- Kretzschmar & Son Aermotor windmill generators.
- Northern Arizona Wind & Sun Solar electric systems and components.
- Energy Outfitters Products for energy independence.
- Backwoods Solar Electric Systems Solar power info and systems.
- Mailing Lists & Newsgroups:
- Christian Self-Reliant Living and Homesteading List
- The Home Church Network Home of the HC*Talk homechurch mailing list.
- Homestead Mailing List Covers homesteading, self-sufficency, independent living, and any related topics.
- Seed sources:
- Herb seeds:
- Otto Richter and Sons Ltd. Herb specialists, both medicinal and seasoning.
- Open-pollinated (non-hybrid) seeds:
- Herb seeds:
- Miscellaneous Stuff:
- Secrets of the Dead-Baby Industry Don't go here unless you have a strong stomach.
- The Hunger Site Donate food for free to starving people around the world, just by clicking on a button. Paid for by corporate sponsors.
- Does the birth control pill cause abortions? by Randy Alcorn
- Burzynski Research Institute Dr. Burzynski's cure for cancer
- OraMedia "The Site for Dental Self-Sufficiency." Robert O. Nara, D.D.S., says virtually all dental problems can be solved very simply without the aid of dentists.
- Edible Landscaping sells landscaping plants that bear edible fruit.
- Just Say No To FedEx! Read this before you ship anything COD.
- The Old Farmer's Almanac
- Lehman's Hardware has all sorts of non-electric stuff. Owned by Mennonites, caters to the Amish.
- Political Stuff: (We make no claim to believing any of this stuff; that's our story and we're stickin' to it.)
- Larken Rose's website. "The Beginning of the End of the Great Deception."
- J.J. Johnson's website
- "Tyranny Lite" - The Accepted Standard in American Freedom "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." --John Hay, 1872
- Freedom Above Fortune "...founded by Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, a former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent who learned of serious constitutional questions relating to the federal income tax..."
- Proven Solutions To Ending School Shootings
- Wolfe's Lodge "..dedicated to the writings of Claire Wolfe, Patricia Neill and other lovers of liberty." Claire is the author of the book, "101 Things To Do 'Til the Revolution."
- Gun Owners of America "The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington." -Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
- The Official Home Page of Michael New, the US soldier who is being prosecuted for refusing to follow illegal orders.
- Camps Summary by Forest Glen Durland
- The WINDS World Internet News Distributary Source
- The WWW Gun Defense Clock Every 13 seconds an American gun owner uses a firearm in defense against a criminal.
- Alliance for America "..a coalition of grassroot organizations concerned with protecting the constitution, property rights, humans, and the environment."
- The Constitution Society "..a private non-profit organization dedicated to research and public education on the principles of constitutional republican government."
- Republics and Democracies Which one America is, and why it matters.
- Free-Market.Net "The world's most comprehensive source for information on liberty."
- Time Magazine's online report on the Missouri 51st Militia.
- Project Freedom The official website of US Representative Ron Paul.
- Amerika? Sheds some light on some Constitutional government and freedom issues.
- International Advocates for Health Freedom
- The Jacob Lapp family and the IRS: Judge for yourself who's right and who's wrong.
- World's Smallest Political Quiz Who are you, really?
Intentional One
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